Our center, based on the application (letter order), provides services to individuals and legal entities in the form of research papers in the direction of the judicial technical expertise documents of expert specialties 2.1. “Study details of documents” 2.3. “Investigation of printed forms and other documents of manufacturing assets,” written reasoned conclusions drawn on the basis of which the experts of the center, which includes answers to the client (the initiator of the study) questions.
Also our center specialists analyzes previously conducted technical research papers and examinations in the direction of the judicial technical expertise documents of expert specialties 2.1. “Study details of documents” 2.3. “Investigation of printed forms and other means of production of documents,” the results of which are made up of the conclusions of expert studies and expert conclusions as to their authenticity, validity and compliance with procedural rules and evidence-based practices.
Our specialists in the direction of the judicial technical expertise documents of expert specialties 2.1. “Study details of documents” 2.3. “Investigation of printed forms and other documents of manufacturing assets,” are highly qualified specialists with the experience of expert work more than 10 years, have a higher legal education and certified forensic experts are in the registry.
Technical study of documents (examination) – it is one of the branches of forensic technology, the subject of which is the study of objects of the printing origin, printing and typewritten texts, impressions of seals and stamps, the document details, destroyed or hidden records that may have evidentiary value in civil and criminal cases .
Technical examination of documents the following tasks:
Identification of research:
identification of objects in their material and fixed maps (printed forms, stamps, seals, letter typewriters, cash registers matrices, multiplying devices, and so on. d.)
identification equipment, photographic negatives and other means used for the manufacture of printed forms, stamps and so on. etc.
Іdentifіkatsіynі doslіdzhennya:
• ototozhnennya predmetіv for їh materіalno-fіksovanim vіdobrazhennyam (drukarskih forms, signets, shtampіv, lіter drukarskih machines Matrix kasovih aparatіv, mnozhilnih aparatіv toscho);
• ototozhnennya obladnannya, fotonegativіv that іnshih zasobіv scho vikoristovuyutsya for vigotovlennya drukarskih forms signets toscho;
• identification of the persons to produce the document;
• Establishment of a document of its parts (or part of it);
• determining the source of (common) origin of the document (materials).
Diagnosis – is to identify the essence specifically taken to explore the object by its attributes, attributing it to a particular class, type, type, by establishing:
• a method of manufacturing a document or parts thereof;
• the fact of change of the primary content;
• the content of poorly visible or invisible text;
• Time (absolute and relative) manufacturing of documents or parts thereof;
• Nature and generic (s) of paper material supplies (inks, pastes ballpoint pens, paper, etc.);
• chronological sequence of the application of intersecting strokes;
• Class, type, make, model printing machine, copier, znakopechatayuschih (znakosinteziruyuschihsya) devices and the like;
• the method of drawing the image impressions of seals and stamps;
• type of seal and stamp clichés;
• method of manufacture of seals and stamps.
The objects of technical examination of documents are:
• bank notes, which are or have been in official use;
• identification documents, event, education, work experience (passport, birth certificate, marriage and divorce, change of name, surname, patronymic, work record and insert it, driving license, utility, military, veterans, the disabled, diplomas on education, conferring the title, pension book, pension letters, sheets of temporary disability, etc.);
• travel documents (tickets for travel by rail, sea, river, air and urban transport, shipping documents, etc.);
• signs of postal payment (postage stamps, stamped envelopes, postcards with stamps, etc.);
• signs of postal payment (postage stamps, stamped envelopes, postcards with stamps, etc.);
• documents serving the circulation of money (book savings, checking, deposit, cash receipts, property, design, financing forms, insurance, letters of credit, brand tax, customs and excise; instruction for delivery of funds, pensions, property, quality certificates for the right to export and importation, insurance policies, licenses, etc.);
• Instant tickets are replicable and Lothar;
• securities (stocks, bonds, treasury bonds, savings certificates, privatization securities, promissory notes, etc.);
• other documents and securities provided for by applicable law;
• sledoobrazuyuschie surface writing tools and other technical means (printed forms, stamps, seals, etc.), by which documents are made and details on specific material carriers;
• The content of the documents (tex, signatures, imprints of seals, stamps, etc.);
• documents materials (paper, strokes substance, glue, etc.);
• residues travlyachih substances.