The process of fingerprinting – fingerprinting, filling out a form FD-258, ie, obtaining fingerprints patterns finger occurs via a special fingerprint paste or using an ink of black color in a special form, called fingerprint cards (for the USA this form FD-258) as follows: laminating each finger separately, starting with the thumb right hand – […]
Service land and Bureau of Architecture
Support getting raw data to perform land management activities. Maintenance of land management, land evaluation survey. Support privatization procedures and land acquisition, land trading. Maintenance of land acquisition procedures for public use. Accompanying the court of land expertise. Accompanying the examination of land use documentation. Representation in land disputes. Support during the separation, consolidation and […]
Fingerprint research
Our center, based on the application (letter order), provides services to individuals and legal entities in the form of detection, fixation and removal of traces of papillary patterns of the fingers and palms of the hands from the scene and provided facilities and of fingerprint research in the direction of the judicial investigative expertise on […]
Technical examination of documents
Our center, based on the application (letter order), provides services to individuals and legal entities in the form of research papers in the direction of the judicial technical expertise documents of expert specialties 2.1. “Study details of documents” 2.3. “Investigation of printed forms and other documents of manufacturing assets,” written reasoned conclusions drawn on the […]
“The study of handwriting and signatures”
Our center, based on the application (letter order), provides services to individuals and legal entities in the form of handwriting analysis in the direction of the judicial examination of the handwriting expert specialty 1.1. “The study of handwriting and signatures” on the basis of which, the center specialists draw up a written substantiated conclusions, which […]
Enter expert comments.
Evaluation of an expert opinion. Like any evidence, expert opinion is subject to evaluation. One of the features of assessment expert opinion – need special motivation of grounds on which the opinion is rejected. Evaluation of an expert opinion is an activity that includes: 1. analysis of compliance with the procedural order and purpose of […]
Interaction investigator (court) of judicial expert
The objectives of the investigation includes support necessary contact with an expert in the examination. For this investigator provides a collection of additional materials, put on solving expertise additional issues, arrange the presence of the accused and other persons during the examination, draws relevant statements and explanations of the accused, met with the new facts […]
Forensic examination.
After receiving the decision on the appointment of the examination, the head of the expert institution requests the examination one or more experts. These experts provide an opinion on its own behalf and bear personal responsibility for it. One of the conditions of full and high-quality expert answers to these questions is the use of […]
Appointment of judicial review.
To the expert can most fully in the short term to give an opinion on matters put before him, to draw attention to organizational and tactical features of preparation for a judicial review. The appointment of expertise includes the following main elements: 1) collecting necessary for research materials; 2) timing of an examination; 3) definition […]
Examination of machinery, equipment, raw materials and consumer goods
Examination of machinery, equipment, raw materials and consumer goods eleven. Among the objects of merchandising expertise include consumer goods, equipment and raw materials. Objects of this type of examination may be other products. 12. The main objectives of merchandising expertise are: definition of cost of commercial products; definition supplies of goods to the classification categories, […]