The process of fingerprinting – fingerprinting, filling out a form FD-258, ie, obtaining fingerprints patterns finger occurs via a special fingerprint paste or using an ink of black color in a special form, called fingerprint cards (for the USA this form FD-258) as follows: laminating each finger separately, starting with the thumb right hand – in order to have a full fingerprint imprint his nail phalanx. It is important to make sure that was not rolled twice the same finger or confused in form tenprints (Form FD-258) placing the fingers of his left hand on the right.
It should be considered satisfactory mark when in the pattern display all Delta and papillary grooves are not clogged ink or, conversely, in print no “white zones” and lubricated parts. To remove fingerprints, filling out a form FD-258 is better to use the services of a specialist – an expert criminologist. Samples should be of high quality and as fully as possible to reflect the structure of the skin microrelief specific area hands. Preliminary assessment of the suitability of fingerprinting, filling in the form FD-258 for the examination is carried out with the participation of specialist forensic or in the process of the expert study.
If you need to fingerprinting – fingerprinting, filling out a form FD-258, please contact us, the cost of service for 2016 is 500 UAN.

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