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Private investigation into the theft.

More often turn to us for service private investigation into the theft, if not to turn to law enforcement and the team want to understand yourself. This is possible when all team shall give voluntary consent to investigate methods of fingerprinting.

Traces of papillary patterns of fingers and palms of hands remaining on the site of the crime is the most widespread and valuable source of information on the identity of the offender and the circumstances of the crime. This is due to their unique identity and immutability.

The success of hands with signs used criminologists, depends on many factors, including the principal – to obtain fingerprint information held by qualified detection, fixation and removal of traces of hands during the inspection of the scene.

Properly recorded and removed from the scene to discover traces of giving offense even after a long period of time since its implementation, it is not always possible for other types of tracks due to changes slidoutvoryuyuchoyi object surface (wear shoe soles, grinding tool fracture, etc.) . The success of hands with signs that are used by lawyers of the century, depends on many factors, including the principal – to obtain fingerprint information: identification, fixation and removal of traces of hands during the inspection of the scene.

The atmosphere of the scene, a common type of items changes culprit in the initial situation – the imaginary of reconstruction and views traces of hands and place their detection – all determine the mechanism slidoutvorennya and provides an opportunity to solve some of the issues in the previous study traces hands immediately during inspection scene.

However, the use of modern methods of fingerprinting in crime is still limited for the following reasons:

– Damage and loss of fingerprint information in connection with the late inspection of the site;
– No transmission features identifying, recording, retrieval and preliminary research fingerprint information specialist involved in the review of the site, expert entrusted with implementation expertise for this material;
– Damage and destruction of traces of hands;
– Poor training of staff, lack of equipment of scientific and technical means and methods.

All this reduces the effectiveness of inspection of the site and significantly affects the integrity and consistency in the use of fingerprint information disclosure, diagnostics and investigation of crime offender.

How do you want to conduct private investigations stolen, call us.

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